Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Survival of the Sickest Chapter 6

 All human being start off with one cell, or a zygote, that is the product of the union of two other cells, a sperm cell from the father and an egg cell from the mother. That one cell contains every single genetic instruction  to manufacture the proteins used to build a human being. Our genes are organized by twenty- three pairs of chromosomes, so forty- six in total. One set of the chromosomes come from the father and one comes from the mother. They carry instructions for our bodies to carry out tasks. Also, many advances are happening. Scientists now think that "junk DNA" is not useless. Also, evolution is not random  because there are cells that proofread the process of copying genes, and errors rarely happen. Nobel-prize winning scientist, Barbara McClintock found that corn genes mutated faster when the corn was under stress like drought or extreme heat and this is called “jumping genes”, which is when the cell suppresses the proofreading cells so mutation will occur. Viruses also contribute to evolution because jumping genes occur in viruses which is called retrotransposons, there is also another kind of jumping genes called DNA transposons. 

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