Thursday, October 17, 2013

Who took Jerell's Ipod?

For this class we were given the option to choose between two labs, and I chose Who took Jerell's Ipod. I thought it world be interesting solving a mystery with science. For this lab we were reviewing the concepts of organic compounds and macromolecules. An organic compound is any member of a large class of gaseous, liquid, or solid chemical compounds whose molecules contain carbon and hydrogen. Macromolecules, large complex compounds with relatively large molecular weight, in organic compounds are carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, and proteins. 
For this lab, we were testing vegetable oil, glucose, starch form corn or potatoes, powdered egg whites, and water for glucose, starch, proteins, and lipids. We then tested pretzels, butter, jelly, fat free yogurt, beans, and our evidence for glucose, starch, proteins, and lipids. If our results for the evidence matches up with any of the results of the food, we will know who the culprit is. In our case, our evidence matched up with fat-free yogurt, showing us that Ashley was the culprit! To read more in detail about the lab, how to do the tests, and our results, visit my website and read my lab report-

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